Ten Steps to Get Your Business Startup on Track
Ten Steps to Get Your Business Startup on Track
When starting your own business, it’s important to have procedures in place that keep you focused. Here are ten steps to help set-up your business for success.
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Bains Elected to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Fort Wayne Board
Bains Elected to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Fort Wayne Board
Mark Bains of Barrett McNagny has been elected a member of the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Fort Wayne board of directors.
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Stites Presents at the Summer Conference for the County Auditors’ Association of Ohio
Stites Presents at the Summer Conference for the County Auditors’ Association of Ohio
Anthony Stites was a presenter at the 2018 Summer Conference for the County Auditors’ Association of Ohio.
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2018 Law Clerks
2018 Law Clerks
Barrett McNagny LLP announces that Sadie Dillon, Carta Robison, and Evan Wild have joined the firm as law clerks for the summer of 2018.
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Shrader to Present at the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals' Conference
Shrader to Present at the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals' Conference
Cathleen Shrader was a presenter at the National Association of Law Student Affairs Professionals’ (NALSAP) Annual Conference in Indianapolis at the end of June.
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What Is An Injunction?
What Is An Injunction?
An injunction is an order issued by a judge that forces a person or entity to perform an action or stop taking certain action.
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A Role For State Tax Credits In The Redevelopment Of Economically Distressed Communities
A Role For State Tax Credits In The Redevelopment Of Economically Distressed Communities
Economic development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation of abandoned and/or distressed industrial and commercial sites as well as economically challenged and underserved communities is on the rise in Fort Wayne and elsewhere in the Northeast Indiana region.
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Tony Stites Presented at NIHRA’s 2018 Conference
Tony Stites Presented at NIHRA’s 2018 Conference
Tony Stites was a presenter at the Northeast Indiana Human Resources Association’s Annual Conference on Thursday, May 17, 2018, in the Walb Student Union on the campus of IPFW. The conference runs from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with registration at 7:30 a.m.
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A Role For Federal Tax Credits In The Redevelopment Of Economically Distressed Communities
A Role For Federal Tax Credits In The Redevelopment Of Economically Distressed Communities
Economic development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation of abandoned and/or distressed industrial and commercial sites as well as economically challenged and underserved communities is on the rise in Fort Wayne and elsewhere in Northeast Indiana.
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Ramsey a Forty Under 40 Recipient
Ramsey a Forty Under 40 Recipient
William Ramsey was named by Greater Fort Wayne Business Weekly a Forty Under 40 award recipient for 2018.
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Top Ten Questions to Ask your Lawyer before you Litigate
Top Ten Questions to Ask your Lawyer before you Litigate
Before retaining counsel for a litigation matter, you should ask these ten questions.
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Tony Stites Presents at Kosciusko Human Resources Association Annual Conference
Tony Stites Presents at Kosciusko Human Resources Association Annual Conference
Tony Stites was a presenter at the 2018 Annual Conference hosted by the Kosciusko Human Resources Association on Friday, April 20, 2018.
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Seller Beware:  Understanding the Obligations of a Seller of  Residential Real Estate under Indiana Law
Seller Beware: Understanding the Obligations of a Seller of Residential Real Estate under Indiana Law
Over the last several years, we have seen an increase in the amount of litigation initiated by buyers against sellers of residential real estate.
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Firm Attorneys Recognized in Indiana Super Lawyers Publication 2018
Firm Attorneys Recognized in Indiana Super Lawyers Publication 2018
Barrett McNagny LLP is proud to announce its listing in Indiana Super Lawyers for 2018.
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Day-to-day Practices to Promote Litigation Success
Day-to-day Practices to Promote Litigation Success
Don’t lose your case before it’s even filed! Most people avoid litigation like the plague, and for good reason. Litigation can be expensive and risky.
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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and Estate Planning
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and Estate Planning
On December 22, 2017, the President signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “Act”), which has a significant effect on federal tax laws.
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Mortgagee Beware
Mortgagee Beware
When information respecting a mortgage maturity date is missing from the documents on file with the county recorder’s office, the time a mortgagee can bring a foreclosure action on the mortgage can be greatly reduced.
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Shrader Elected President of State Board of Law Examiners
Shrader Elected President of State Board of Law Examiners
The Indiana State Board of Law Examiners has elected Cathleen M. Shrader of Barrett McNagny LLP to a second term as President of the Board.
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U.S. Department of Labor Clarifies when Interns Working at  For-Profit Employers Are Subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act
U.S. Department of Labor Clarifies when Interns Working at For-Profit Employers Are Subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act
On December 19, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit became the fourth federal appellate court expressly to reject the U.S. DOL's six-part test for determining whether interns and students are employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
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Trisha Paul Elected Executive Committee Chair
Trisha Paul Elected Executive Committee Chair
Barrett McNagny LLP is pleased to announce that Trisha J. Paul has been elected to serve as Chair of the firm’s Executive Committee for 2018. Also serving on the firm’s Executive Committee during 2018 will be John C. Barce, Robert T. Keen, Michael P. O’Hara, and Samuel J. Talarico, Jr.
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Barrett McNagny LLP

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