Steinhofer Elected Partner
Steinhofer Elected Partner
Barrett McNagny LLP is pleased to announce that Rachel K. Steinhofer was elected Partner effective January 1, 2021. Ms. Steinhofer represents clients in labor and employment matters, medical practice defense, and general liability defense.
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Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021
President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 (“Act”). The Act is part of a much larger appropriations bill that is over 5,000 pages and includes numerous provisions.
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Guidance on Vaccinations for Employers
Guidance on Vaccinations for Employers
On December 16, 2020, the EEOC issued updated guidance for employers concerning COVD-19 vaccinations.
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NCAA, Grant-in-Aid, and NIL: “Amateurism” vs. Big Sports
NCAA, Grant-in-Aid, and NIL: “Amateurism” vs. Big Sports
As money in and around college athletics increases, so too does the disparity between an athlete’s actual cost of attending college and the benefit the university receives from the athlete. Elite talent brings an immediate return on a university’s scholarship investment.
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​“Reasonable Accommodation” and “Interactive Process”  Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
​“Reasonable Accommodation” and “Interactive Process” Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Employers need to be aware of two key terms under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), “reasonable accommodation” and “interactive process"
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FMLA vs. the ADA
FMLA vs. the ADA
Although the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)* and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are distinct Acts, it can be difficult to determine if an employee qualifies for FMLA or ADA depending upon the situation.
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What should your company’s internet usage policy include?
What should your company’s internet usage policy include?
It is important for a business to have an internet usage policy in place that sets and establishes guidelines for employees to follow while using the internet at work.
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Navigating COVID-19: A Virtual Guide for the Employment Community
Navigating COVID-19: A Virtual Guide for the Employment Community
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the IRS, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the EEOC and the Indiana Department of Workforce Development have teamed up to present a webinar on “Navigating COVID-19: A Virtual Guide for the Employment Community.”
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Supreme Court Decision on  Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws
Supreme Court Decision on Federal Anti-Discrimination Laws
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled on June 15, 2020 that the existing Federal Anti-Discrimination laws provide protection to applicants and employees on the basis of their sexual orientation and/or transgender status.
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​My Company’s Data Server was Hacked. Now what?
​My Company’s Data Server was Hacked. Now what?
Cyber-actors (or “hackers”) are targeting businesses to obtain any and all information that might have some form of value. It is imperative that companies have a set of steps in place to respond quickly for the sake of those affected and to comply with any and all regulating state or federal authorities, such as any applicable State Attorney General’s offices.
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Final Title IX Regulations
Final Title IX Regulations
On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education released the long-awaited final regulations regarding the procedures for colleges to use in handling sexual-harassment complaints.
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Guidance from OSHA on COVID-19 Reporting and Recordkeeping
Guidance from OSHA on COVID-19 Reporting and Recordkeeping
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released two memos regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: one regarding employer’s record-keeping requirement; one regarding process and procedures for investigations.
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The Department of Labor Updates Its Definition of “Regular Rate of Pay” under the Labor Standards Act
The Department of Labor Updates Its Definition of “Regular Rate of Pay” under the Labor Standards Act
The U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued its final rule, effective January 15, 2020, updating the requirements for calculating the regular rate of pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).
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Review Employer Charge Statements from Indiana’s Department of Workforce Development for Accuracy
Review Employer Charge Statements from Indiana’s Department of Workforce Development for Accuracy
If you are - or work for - an employer dealing with layoffs, furloughs, or separations, it is important for you to be vigilant in reviewing the Charge Statements issued by Indiana’s Department of Workforce Development (DWD).
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Guidance from EEOC on Maintaining a Safe Workplace During COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidance from EEOC on Maintaining a Safe Workplace During COVID-19 Pandemic
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) released updated guidance for employers on how to balance the protection of employees’ rights with efforts to maintain a safe workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Stites to be Presenter at Virtual HR Conference
Stites to be Presenter at Virtual HR Conference
Anthony Stites was a presenter at the 56th Annual Indiana HR Virtual Conference. His video presentation was titled "Real Life Scenarios Handling Transgender and Sexual Orientation Issues in the Workplace."
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Families First Coronavirus Response Act Notice
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Notice
The U.S. Department of Labor issued the Employee Rights: Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under The Families First Coronavirus Response Act Poster.
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Families First Coronavirus Response Act Effective April 1, 2020
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Effective April 1, 2020
Helpful links from the U.S. Department of Labor to help you and your company regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act taking effect April 1, 2020.
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State and Federal Links for COVID-19
With the Coronavirus pandemic human resource professionals, business owners and those in management are being called on to make decisions almost hourly. This pages includes a few helpful links to state and federal agencies.
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