Telemedicine During COVID-19
Telemedicine During COVID-19
Telemedicine provides a clear and obvious benefit for those in need of medical care during the COVID-19 crisis. Staying home while receiving medical care protects the patient, health care providers, and all who come into contact with them.
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Ramsey Quoted in Article About "Good Samaritan” Provision in Stimulus Bill
Ramsey Quoted in Article About "Good Samaritan” Provision in Stimulus Bill
Medical malpractice attorney William Ramsey was quoted in an article on Bloomberg Law titled "Stimulus Bill Would Boost Liability Protection for Volunteer Docs".
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Fitzharris to Speak at Conference
Fitzharris to Speak at Conference
Kevin Fitzharris was a presenter at the Allen County Bar Association’s Bench Bar Conference on February 7, 2020. He spoke at the “Cybersecurity: Protect You & Your Client” breakout session in the afternoon.
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Medical Review Panels Article
Medical Review Panels Article
Medical malpractice defense attorney William Ramsey authors an article for The Indiana Lawyer titled "The Right to a Meaningful Medical Review Panel."
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Do I have coverage for this?
Do I have coverage for this?
Every day we are bombarded with advertisements trying to sell us more insurance. For the average consumer, the choice is not particularly complicated. Most people are in the market for an auto, home, or renter’s insurance policy. But for a business, choosing the type of coverage needed to adequately protect one’s interests can be a much more complicated decision.
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Golden Gavel Award
Golden Gavel Award
Thomas M. Kimbrough was awarded the Westfield Insurance Company Golden Gavel by Steve St. Clair, Casualty Litigation Claims Specialist with Westfield Insurance. This is the second time Mr. Kimbrough has received this award.
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What Is An Injunction?
What Is An Injunction?
An injunction is an order issued by a judge that forces a person or entity to perform an action or stop taking certain action.
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Top Ten Questions to Ask your Lawyer before you Litigate
Top Ten Questions to Ask your Lawyer before you Litigate
Before retaining counsel for a litigation matter, you should ask these ten questions.
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Day-to-day Practices to Promote Litigation Success
Day-to-day Practices to Promote Litigation Success
Don’t lose your case before it’s even filed! Most people avoid litigation like the plague, and for good reason. Litigation can be expensive and risky.
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A Business Can Be Found Guilty of Discrimination Even When the Same Person Who Hires an Employee Fires that Employee
A Business Can Be Found Guilty of Discrimination Even When the Same Person Who Hires an Employee Fires that Employee
When it comes to discrimination in the workplace, employers sometimes ask themselves, “How could a decision to fire an employee be biased when the same supervisor made the decision to hire the employee?”
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The Legislature Should Increase Sanctions Related to Qualified Settlement Offers
The Legislature Should Increase Sanctions Related to Qualified Settlement Offers
In Indiana, courts prefer parties to reach settlement resolutions instead of taking cases to trial. Doing so helps parties reduce litigation costs and increases efficiency in the courts by reducing the number of cases pending in the court system.
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What to Do if Your Company Is Sued
What to Do if Your Company Is Sued
Your company, a business built through the labor and ingenuity of you and others, has been sued. You probably learned of the lawsuit when you received a Summons and Complaint. Do you know what to do next?
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"No Pay, No Play" Statutes
"No Pay, No Play" Statutes
"No pay, no play" statutes allow insurance companies to avoid paying certain non-economic damages to repeat uninsured motorists injured in a motor vehicle accident.
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Medical Malpractice Act Amended
Medical Malpractice Act Amended
The Indiana legislature amended the Medical Malpractice Act ("MMA") to increase the statutory limit on damages that a plaintiff may recover in a medical malpractice case.
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Article on  contractual liability exclusions
Article on contractual liability exclusions
William Ramsey authors article for The Indiana Lawyer titled "DTCI: Indiana adopts the majority view on contractual liability exclusions."
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"Loss of Chance: A Historical Overview and Analysis of the Doctrine's Current State"
"Loss of Chance: A Historical Overview and Analysis of the Doctrine's Current State"
William Ramsey authors article for the Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana that was published in the Indiana Civil Litigation Review.
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