Due Process in CHINS Adjudications

In re T.M. (Ind. March 13, 2012) and In re K.D. (Ind. March 13, 2012)

-Originally publish March 14, 2021

These companion cases addressed the procedural due process safeguards required in CHINS cases. Specifically, the cases held that parents who request a contested fact-finding hearing have a constitutional due process right to such a hearing. A CHINS adjudication is a necessary step before the Department of Child Services can bring an action to terminate a person’s parental rights. The Supreme Court held that if one parent wishes to admit that a child is in need of services and the other parent wishes to deny such a need, the trial court is required to conduct a fact-finding hearing. A contested dispositional hearing is not sufficient.

These holdings are very straightforward. However, they are also very important and clarify parents’ due process rights regarding proceedings that could lead to the termination of their parental rights. These cases are very important for anyone who practices family law at the trial court level or is appealing a decision regarding a CHINS adjudication or termination of parental rights.

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